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That's La Plagne

Tried & tested ski fitness top tips

How YOU can feel better on the slopes this winter.

yoga and fitness for skiing and snowboarding

Top 5 ski fitness tips to help you last from first chair to last call this winter!

It's something I ALWAYS say every winter. No one is a fit as they want to be on their first run. Whether you work and live here or are travelling for a ski holiday or snowboarding vacation, ski fitness will help you feel better this winter.

PLUS, there's a cheeky little bonus tip at the end.

Check out my top five ski fitness tips

Or jump to the one you want to hear more about.

Indoor slopes

Get some practice in!

Yoga & stretching

For snow lovers, by snow lovers.

Drink water!

Get used to drinking water.

Eat for what you're doing

It's not about dieting, it's jsut about eating what you need.

Get ready to move!

Then it's not a shock for your body when you hit hte mountains.

1 - Get some practice in

If you're lucky enough to live near an indoor snowdome or dry slope, head there for a few taster sessions before heading out on holiday.

It will get you excited about the mountains and help your body ‘remember' the feel of skiing or snowboarding. Plus, it might help you identify areas you need to focus on.

Also, whenever I've done this, it's always helped me realise how much my body remembers from last winter!  

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2 - Start stretching & moving

Ski and snowboard holidays are energetic and active. But I think it's safe to say that most of us don't warm up before hitting the slopes or after a day on the mountain. If you can get a 5 to 10-minute stretch routine in your locker, then you can easily refer to it on your holiday. 

I love this amazing couple, Sarah and Mark, Yoga and Physio, respectively. They have lots of free 10-minute sessions on Instagram.

I've actually paid to join their SnoGa membership, which is 2 live Yoga sessions a week, and 1 PT session from Mark. All geared around snowboarding. It costs $30 p/month – so much less than in-person classes. If you fancy giving it a try, use my affiliate link here

3 - Drink enough water

It seems too easy – boring even. You've probably heard it thousands of times before. But I bet you're still not doing it! 

The ONLY way I've been able to work on drinking enough water in my daily routine is by making it as easy as possible to do it. And here is how: 

  • As soon as I wake up, I drink a pint of water.
  • I have a huge 2-litre water bottle on my desk, so I don't have to get up or refill it during the day.
  • I've found a drink I actually enjoy – soda water with a soda stream, so I don't have to buy plastic bottles all the time.
  • Before bed, I've found a hot drink I enjoy – chamomile tea with loose-leaf chamomile, not tea bags. I find the tea bags too sweet, but the loose flower heads are perfect.
  • When I go to bed, I fill up my water bottle and put it on my home desk, ready for tomorrow. 

If you get used to this at home, the extra toll your body takes t altitude will be reduced.

4 - Eat well

I'm not here to tell you to eat more or less. What you want to think about is which foods provide you with the things you need each day. 

I'm going to should out Mobility Duo again because they have a free nutrition and recovery guide, which I found really interesting. 

Just understanding what your body needs to fuel up before a day on the mountain will help you feel better, ski longer and snowboard harder. 

5 - Get ready to move!

Ski and snowboard holidays are energetic and active. You’ll be doing a sport you’ve maybe never done before, using muscles you don’t usually use, and doing it for several hours a day, five or six days in a row! That’s a lot to ask of your body. So give yourself a fighting chance by getting your fitness levels up before you go.

Just get your body moving for 20 -30 minutes every other day – daily if you can! The way I worked this into my daily life is to do it when I boil the kettle each morning. 

I know I'm gong to make a strong black coffee first thing in the morning. Our kettle, when full, takes 10 minutes. So I've got some small weights in the kitchen, and I'll do a quick work out in my pyjamas whilst the kettle boils. The kids think it's hilarious. 

But it works for me – it might not work for you. The key is to find something you already do and enjoy and then add on a small habit on the side. It's the way to make a new practice a habit.

Bonus tip! Ease The Ache

No matter how much effort you put into getting fit before your holiday, your muscles will ache after a day on the slopes. This is because you’ll be using muscles you don’t usually use. You’ll be walking in ski boots, carrying equipment, falling over and pulling yourself back up. In short, you’ll be working hard. So make sure you look after yourself. 

When you get home after a day skiing, stretch out those muscles, do a little yoga in the evenings, have a hot bath or make the most of the spa, sauna or hot tub facilities in your accommodation. And consider booking a mid-week massage to pamper those ski legs.

That's La Plagne & how to get fit for this winter!

That’s it. Those are my top tips for how to feel better when you hit the slopes this winter. Plus some ideas on how to create and maintain good habits at home so you can keep them going in the mountains. 

Do you still have questions? Are you worried about some aspects of your ski trip? Check out my top 10 skier tips blog here, which is packed with good tips. Or, drop me a message below, and I’ll try and help!

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