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That's La Plagne

Skiing Sustainably: A full guide to driving an EV to the French Alps

If you're planning your first family ski holiday to the stunning French Alps, no doubt you’re getting excited! I'm your guide to making your trip both memorable and eco-conscious. And guess what? I live in La Plagne, so I've got the inside track on all things Alpine! In this guide, I'll share my tips on how to drive an electric vehicle (EV) from the UK to the French Alps, combining the joys of sustainable skiing and EV adventuring.

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Why drive to the French Alps instead of flying?

More Comfortable for Family Travel: Let's face it; flying with kids and all your ski gear can be a bit of a hassle. Opting to drive in your trusty EV provides a cosier and more flexible journey. No need to worry about luggage limits or noisy passengers – it's all about you and your crew.

Cheaper and Quicker than Flying: Flying to the Alps can get pricey, especially during peak ski season. And factoring in airport parking, extra luggage, ski transfers… it can get pricey! Driving can save you money on your ski holiday travel and allow you to budget for other vacation essentials (or après ski!). Plus, with fewer airport hassles, you'll reach your destination quicker and more relaxed.

Reducing Carbon Footprint: This is where sustainable skiing meets electric vehicles. According to Ski Flight Free, driving an EV will use approximately 21 kg of CO2 per car versus flying, which emits a whopping 162 kg per person! By choosing an EV, you're making a positive impact on our environment and setting a great example for the kids.

The rise of EVs and improvements in charging infrastructure

Over the past few years, the electric vehicle revolution has taken a leap forward. With a surge in EV adoption, charging infrastructure across Europe has improved significantly. You'll find charging stations at convenient locations along major routes, making it easier than ever to embark on an EV adventure.

Calais to the Tarentaise Valley: distance and charging stops

The journey from Calais to the breathtaking Tarentaise Valley, home to La Plagne and other popular French ski resorts, covers approximately 800 miles. In an EV, you'll need to make several charging stops, usually around 3-4, depending on your car's range. Plan your route in advance and make reservations at charging stations when possible to avoid any unexpected delays.

Is it cheaper to drive an EV or an ICE car?

When comparing costs, driving an EV often comes out on top. While the initial purchase price may be higher, you'll save on fuel and maintenance costs in the long run. Plus, many countries offer incentives and tax breaks for EV owners. So, not only are you reducing your carbon footprint, but you're also saving some cash for those après-ski hot chocolates.

Finding EV charging stations on your journey

To ensure a smooth drive to the Alps, it's crucial to plan your charging stops in advance. Utilise handy apps like Zap-Map or PlugShare to locate EV charging stations along your route. These apps provide real-time information on station availability, types of chargers, and even user reviews, making your journey hassle-free.

Charging your EV in the ski resort

Once you've arrived at your ski resort, don't worry about charging your EV – it's easier than you might think. Many resorts now offer charging points, so you can refuel while you enjoy the slopes. Whilst most public car parks now have charging points, more and more accommodations are adding their own charging stations, from ski hotels to ski chalets. So, make sure to inquire about charging options when booking your accommodation.

EV winter driving tips

Driving an EV in cold and snowy conditions requires a bit of extra preparation. Here are some winter driving tips:

  • Plan Ahead: Cold temperatures can reduce your battery's range, so plan your routes and charging stops carefully.
  • Keep It Warm: Preheat your EV while it's still plugged in to conserve battery power. Most EVs allow you to do this through a mobile app.
  • Drive Smoothly: Gentle acceleration and braking will help conserve energy and maintain traction on slippery roads.
  • Snow Tires and Snow Chains: Consider fitting snow tires for added grip and safety in snowy conditions, and you must have snow chains in your car in the Tarentaise region between December to March.
  • Carry Essentials: Keep a winter emergency kit in your vehicle, including blankets, snacks, a flashlight, and warm clothing.

That’s La Plagne & skiing the sustainable way with EVs

So there you have it, fellow skiers – a comprehensive guide to driving an EV to the French Alps for your family ski holiday. By choosing to drive, you're not only enjoying a comfortable and cost-effective journey but also reducing your carbon footprint significantly. Sustainable skiing and electric vehicles are a perfect match, and together, we can make our winter wonderland trips even more eco-friendly and stylish. So, pack your skis, load up the EV, and hit the road for an unforgettable Alpine adventure!


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