That's La Plagne. Family adventure travel tips
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That's La Plagne

Is it a Good Idea to Take a Baby Buggy on a Ski Holiday?

Buggies in snow

If you’re welcoming a new baby over the winter season, you’re probably shopping for a good winter baby stroller. Or perhaps you’re heading on a ski holiday and wondering about the benefits of taking a baby buggy on a ski holiday and how well it will work in the snow. 

Well, this is where I step in. I’m a family ski expert, living in the French ski resort of La Plagne with my ski and snow crazy family. Today, I’m hopefully going to answer all your winter baby buggy and pushchair questions. And, give you some pointers on what to look out for if you're buying a new pram. Plus some of the best brands for winter and harsh temperatures. So let's jump in,  let's embark on a journey to unravel the age-old query – is a baby buggy on a ski holiday a genius move or a slippery slope?

Join the inside track to get the story first from La Plagne.

Baby Buggies in Ski Resorts - Pros and Cons

Convenience in Non-Snow Areas Imagine effortlessly strolling through the charming resort villages, seamlessly maneuvering through hotels and indoor havens. A baby buggy is your golden ticket to mobility, making those non-snowy areas a breeze to navigate.

Comfort for Napping Now, picture this – a snug, cosy spot for your little one to catch some Zs while you explore your winter wonderland. It's not just a buggy; it's your child's portable nap sanctuary.

Storage Space A buggy, my friends, is not just a mode of transport; it's your trusty sidekick, a snowside companion that carries the essentials. When my kids grew out of their baby buggies, the storage space was the thing I missed the most! Snacks, extra layers, and all the little things that make parenting an adventure.

Snow Accessibility Oh, the challenge of trudging through snow with a baby buggy – it can be akin to attempting a ballet in ski boots if you don’t have a good buggy adapted for the snow. Which is where the below recommendations come in!

Limited Ski Slope Use On the slopes, a buggy can quickly turn from a helpful assistant to a bit of a snow-covered hindrance. For example, if you are looking to join family members at restaurants on the ski slopes, the pedestrian bubble lifts might not have space for baby buggies and so carrying your baby in a carrier might be more suitable for this type of trip.

Tip 1: 3 Wheels Better Than 4 Let's talk agility. Three-wheeled buggies are the snow dancers of the stroller world, gracefully pirouetting over uneven snowy surfaces. Your ticket to a snowy ballet, if you will.

Tip 2: Fat Tires with Good Grip Tires, the unsung heroes of winter adventures. Opt for those with a design that screams traction on slippery snow, think wide, tires and deep grip patterns. Tires filled with air or foam are both good.

Tip 3: Warm and Insulated Seating Brrr… it's cold out there! Ensure your little one's comfort with a well-insulated seat, designed to brave the winter chill. So it’s not just about bundling your little one up in layers, but making sure you have the right layers on your baby buggy to keep them warm. I always have a cosy-toes liner for my kids, something like this Maxi-Cosi cosy-toes  is perfect for keeping wet snow off the babies and also keeping them snug and warm all round.

Tip 4: Good Brakes In the dance of ski slopes and crowds, brakes are your partners in crime. Trustworthy brakes, especially on slopes, can be the unsung heroes of a safe and controlled descent. Make sure you know how they work, always put the wheel lock on when you stop anywhere and also use the safety strap to secure the buggy to you when you are walking around the ski resort.

Tip 5: A Good Suspension For the tiniest tots lacking in stability themselves, a top-notch suspension system is your secret weapon against the bumpy, snowy terrain. Your baby's comfort, and your peace of mind, depend on it.

Tip 6: A Large Canopy In the winter weather showdown, size matters – a big canopy is a must. Shield your little one from snowflakes, and throw in a rain cover for good measure. Winter won't stand a chance. Don’t opt for the umbrella-style shades, they just won’t provide the level of cover that you need.

Winter Baby Buggy Brand Recommendations for snow

Mountain Buggy urban jungle

This buggy has been designed for off-road living. Perfect for snow, countryside and beach conditions. It really is the number 1 choice when looking for a stroller that’s going to keep up with your adventurous lifestyle! The wheels are large and air-filled and manage all-terrain, keeping your little one comfortable and safe – from newborn to toddler years. 

I’ve never owned one myself, but I have borrowed a Mountain Buggy from friends several times and I would 100% recommend. 

Find out more about the Mountain Buggy urban jungle here.

Mountain Buggy

Bugaboo Donkey 5 Mono, Convertible Into Side by Side Double Stroller

Bugaboo Mono

This is the buggy that I had for my kids – it is expensive but worth it! We were lucky because my in-laws were insistent on treating us! But the Bugaboo is great for snow and tough conditions, with large wheels, lots of warm insulation for little ones and loads of storage. The Mono can also adapt into a Double buggy, which we wanted as we planned on having our 2 boys close in age.

Find out more about the Bugaboo Mono here.

Baby Jogger City Mini GT2 All-Terrain Pushchair

The Baby Jogger’s biggest advantage for winter is the tires – they are pneumatic and don’t need pumping up – like ever! Ideal when you are in snowy conditions. Plus, the 3-wheel design makes it slimmer and easy to get around restaurants, buses and other more challenging situations. 

The handbrake on the handle bar is also pretty useful when you are on steeper or icy slopes. I found myself keeping hold of this all the time when I was using the Baby Jogger. 

Find out more about the Baby Jogger here.

Baby Jogger City Mini

Maxi-cosi Zelia 3 luxe 2-in-1 pushchair, reversible seat, one-hand fold

Maxi-cosi Zelia

Those that live in the mountains are big fans of the Maxi-Cosi systems. As well as having large wheels, great for getting around on the mountains and ski slopes. They are always super easy to fold away. They are one of the few buggy designs that you genuinely can fold away with 1 hand – whilst holding the baby in your other hand! So if you are heading on a ski trip and short of space, this one might be the perfect solution for you. 

Find out more about the Maxi-Cosi Zelia 3 here.

Tips for Getting Buggies Around Snow Ski Resorts

  • In the Snow Navigate snow like a pro by choosing cleared paths and avoiding the deep stuff. Your buggy's winter tires will thank you.
  • Public Buses Master the art of public transport with a buggy in tow. Timing, folding finesse, and accessible buses are your keys to stress-free travel. Most public buses in ski resorts have larger, double doors in the middle and a large standing space in the middle of the seated rows to allow plenty of space for pushchairs of wheelchairs.
  • In Restaurants Dining with a buggy can be a breeze – if you pick baby-friendly establishments with spacious seating. Some restaurants will not have space for baby buggies to manoeuvre around their tables. So if you are looking to head somewhere specific, call and book ahead and mention that you will have a baby buggy and ask for a table with good access. After all, a well-fed baby is a happy skiing partner!

That’s La Plagne and the best tips for baby buggies in the snow and ski resorts

In this grand debate of buggies versus no buggies, the real winner is personal preference. Weigh the pros and cons based on your family's unique needs and embark on your snowy adventure with confidence.

When my children were babies and toddlers, I had a baby buggy and a baby carrier, and I would switch between the 2 depending on the situation I was in. Buggies are great for longer days out, whilst baby carriers are good for snowy walks and quick coffee stops with friends. 

Just remember, the final decision is up to you.

Share your ski tales and parenting hacks in the comments below, and let me know what you prefer with your snow babies. 

You can compare all the snow baby buggies here.

See you on the slopes!


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