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That's La Plagne

Best Winter Skincare Routine for Glowing Skin on the Slopes

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TLP winter morning routine

Living in a snowy paradise and managing the chaos of family ski adventures has taught me a thing or two about keeping my skin happy in this wintery wonderland. Especially when temperatures drop down to -20C (-4F)! So, let's chat about the ultimate winter skincare morning routine that'll have your skin looking flawless for those Insta-worthy ski holiday snaps.

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TLP winter morning routine

The Importance of Winter Skincare

I love winter, it’s why I live in a ski resort! But, the biting winds, chilly temperatures, and indoor heating conspire to make your skin feel like a raisin. Winter can be brutal on your skin, especially when you're conquering the slopes in the breathtaking Alpine landscapes. But fear not, I've got your back with a morning routine that will keep your skin radiant and ready for whatever winter throws your way.

1 Rise and Shine: A Refreshing Wake-Up Call

Ever heard of a sunrise lamp? It's like a gentle nudge from nature to start your day right. Not only does it mimic the dawn's natural light, but it also helps regulate your sleep, a secret weapon for healthy skin. Say goodbye to dull mornings and hello to a well-rested glow.

My husband got this Philips SmartSleep Connected Sleep and Wake-Up Light for my birthday last year, and I love it – it really does make a difference to how I wake up and start the day. It’s not the cheapest, but he found it for less as a second hand / returned item on Amazon – worth checking out.

I’ve also got a Himalayan Salt Lamp which I use in the evenings for reading, and in the morning after my sunrise alarm switches off. I find the light quality is quite soothing and not too bright. I can even use it to read in the evenings when my kids are asleep in the bed and it doesn’t wake them up.

2 Digital Detox for Healthy Skin

I know you’ve probably heard this one before but it’s true. We all love our phones, but your skin doesn't. Leave your mobile in another room overnight for a peaceful sleep and a reduction in potential screen time damage. Trust me; your skin will thank you for the break from the digital interruptions.

The biggest battle I had against doing this was that I “needed” my phone for an alarm clock. So getting the sunrise alarm above has removed this issue for me – perfect.

3 Hydration: A Morning Ritual

Combat the dry winter air with a humidifier in your room. We never had one of these, until I was told by my midwife to get one for our first child when he was a baby, it’s apparently quite normal for baby rooms in the mountains to have humidifiers. Well, once we put it in the room, both my husband and I noticed the difference in how we were waking up – less croaky, stuffy-nose and dry-eyed.

If you haven’t got a humidifier – or you’re on a ski holiday and can’t bring one with you, then a top tip I learnt from our local ski instructors was to put a glass of water on your radiator (non electric!). This simple trick ensures your skin stays hydrated, even in the harshest Alpine conditions. Because, let's face it, hydrated skin is happy skin.

4 Temperature Matters: Central Heating Tips

Resist the urge to turn your room into a sauna. Keeping the central heating – especially in your bedroom – between 15 – 20°C might feel a bit cooler, but your skin will thank you. Dry, hot air can strip your skin of its natural moisture, leaving you with cracked and irritated skin. Opt for a cosy, skin-friendly temperature instead.

5 Start with Hydration Inside Out

Before diving into your beauty products, grab a big glass of water. Hydrating from the inside out kick starts your metabolism and replenishes the moisture lost during the night. It's a morning boost for your skin. I just keep a pint glass of water beside my bed and the first thing I do in the morning is drink the whole thing before I get up. It’s a small achievement, but it does make me feel like I’m starting out on the right foot each day.

6 Sinus Care in the Morning

Say goodbye to morning congestion with a simple yet effective routine. Start by reaching for a pack of tissues, and blow out your nose. It’s not the most glamorous but trust me, it offers a quick and refreshing cleanse. In the mountains, blocked and stuffy noses are something we all deal with on a daily basis – and if you’re dehydrated, this can often turn into dry, bloody bogies or a bleeding nose – both not very pleasant! So clear out those sinuses and prepare yourself for the day ahead.

7 Face Toner Spray

This one is a personal favourite, a quick face spritz whilst I’m still lying in bed really does wake me up! I would hate this if it wasn;t for the fact that the Mario Badescu Lavender face spritz smells gorgeous. With its calming lavender scent and revitalising properties, it's the perfect addition to your morning routine. The lavender is also restful, so it’s a nice compliment to your evening sleep routine to give yourself a little extra moisture boost before hitting the pillow. 

A quick spritz not only invigorates your senses but also preps your skin, starting to get you ready for that first step into the chilly Alpine air.

8 Eye Care Essentials

Combat morning puffiness with eye drops. I work all day on a computer, so my eyes do get tired. Especially if I’m wearing my contact lenses. I like these super cheap, Optrex eye drops for dry eyes. Your eyes are super sensitive and really dry out on the ski slopes, with the harsh temperatures and blinding sun. This small step can make a big difference, leaving your eyes looking refreshed and ready for the day ahead. It's the secret weapon to conquer those early morning ski runs. 

It’s also a brilliant way to combat bleary eyes after too long at après ski the night before!

9 Locking in Moisture

Don't forget your lips! They're often the first victims of winter dryness. Grab a rich lip balm or go the extra mile with a lip mask overnight for plump and hydrated lips that can handle the chill.

I love my lip balms and I have about 6 on the go at any time! I’ve put together this whole guide to my top ten winter lipbalms, so have a look, there's some bargain cheap options to the sublime and luxurious!

10 Hand Hydration for Evening Top-Ups

Keep your hands soft and supple with a nourishing hand moisturiser. Make it a nightly ritual for a little pampering before bedtime – your hands deserve some love too. I have had some lovely, scented hand moisturisers in the past, but my husband and I always come back to our Nivea Classic – it’s thick and moisturising without being too greasy and absorbs nice and quickly.

Further winter skincare reading

That’s La Plagne & the best winter morning routine to healthy skin

So there you have it – a well-crafted morning routine that's your ticket to radiant skin, even in the coldest winter climates. I honestly have all these items at the side of my bed and use them all before I get up. I know, it sounds high maintenance, but it really is less than 2 minutes and it 100% makes a difference to how I start my day – and to how that first coffee hits! 

Why don’t you give it a go! You'll not only survive but thrive in the winter wonderland of a ski resort, capturing those picture-perfect moments with glowing, Instagram-ready skin. 

See you on the ski slopes!

You can shop all my top winter ski holiday skincare products here.


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