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That's La Plagne

Phone safety on the ski slopes

The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Phone Safe on the Slopes

Tried and tested for YOU by ski instructors and ski families!

mobile phone lanyards for ski holidays


Skiing with your phone can be a great way to capture memories and stay connected on the mountain, but it can also be risky. Smartphones with large glass screens are especially vulnerable to damage. From dropping your phone off a chairlift (which I have done!) to extreme temperatures, there are many hazards that can damage or destroy your device. It's also important to question where to keep your phone when you are skiing, i.e., which pocket is the best one to keep your phone safe when skiing. Fortunately, there are some simple precautions you can take to keep your phone safe and secure while skiing.

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1. Invest in a sturdy phone case

One of the most important steps you can take to keep your phone safe on the slopes is to invest in a sturdy phone case. Look for a case that is specifically designed for outdoor activities and can withstand drops, impacts, and extreme temperatures. Some cases even come with additional features like waterproofing or built-in screen protectors. Don't skimp on this important accessory – it could save you from costly repairs or replacements down the line.

I've got a Mous phone case which both looks good and is also completely indestructible. The Mous phone cases are made to withstand being thrown off of balconies and buildings and being manhandled by your children! 

My Mous iPhone case cost me about 30€ and was recommended to me by a good friend who worked as a ski host and then at Oxygene Ski School for years – thanks, Andy! 

2. Use a waterproof pouch or bag

Even if your phone case is waterproof, it's always a good idea to use an additional layer of protection when skiing or snowboarding. A waterproof pouch or bag can keep your phone safe from snow, moisture, and other elements. Look for a pouch that is specifically designed for outdoor activities and has a secure closure to prevent any water from seeping in. Some pouches even come with a lanyard or strap so you can easily attach it to your gear or clothing.

Personally, I've never used a waterproof bag and just made sure to have a designated pocket for my phone that isn't likely to fill with snow.

If you do find your phone is getting wet from snow or sweat, you can bring a ziplock bag with you as a back up. 

TOP TIP: To keep your phone screen clean and dry, one of the best things to keep with you is a goggle wipe or, as I use, an old-fashioned cotton hanky. You can find them super cheap in secondhand and charity shops, and they do a great job. I got a stack of them for about £1, enough for 1 a day on a family ski holiday.

3. Keep your phone close to your body

When skiing or snowboarding, it's important to keep your phone close to your body to prevent it from getting lost or damaged. However, one of the main questions I get when asked about phone safety and skiing is how to keep a phone warm when skiing. The cold and subzero temperatures drain the batteries of most smartphones. And if you're taking lots of photos – like me! – then your battery often won't last a day if you don't look after your phone.  

Keeping it in one of your upper-body pockets will help keep your mobile warmer when skiing. More so than if it's in a backpack, helping the phone's battery life last a little longer. 

You might see thermal and insulated phone cases, but if you are simply taking a ski holiday in Europe, or the US, it's not necessary. Most smartphones are made to work from 0C to 35C, but I ski in temperatures that will drop to -20C some days, and I haven't invested in an insulated mobile phone case. Prioritise a hard-wearing phone case over insulation. Instead, pop your phone into an insulated ski jacket pocket.

TOP TIP: think about which pocket you keep your phone in. For example, I don't keep my phone in a back pocket as I would sit on it if I'm snowboarding or fall on my butt. I also don't keep it in my salopettes' pockets because they are quite low, and I would also fall on it if I fell sideways. 

I keep my phone in a high breast pocket because it is easily accessible, unlikely to get fallen on, and will say warm from my body heat. There's also another reason for keeping my phone in a high ski jacket pocket, and I'll come to that later on. 

4. Turn on airplane mode to conserve battery life

When you're hitting the slopes, you may not have access to a charger or power source for hours at a time. To conserve your phone's battery life, you can turn on airplane mode. This will disable all wireless connections, including cellular data, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. 

If you do this, you need to remember that people will not be able to get in touch with you. So if you are using your phone to stay in touch with friends or family, you need to keep the airplane mode switched off.

However, in airplane mode, you can still use your phone for taking photos or listening to music.

TOP TIP: If you need to keep your phone open for calls, then my top tip is to close all unnecessary apps or services open on your phone – it's surprising how many of these will be open and lurking in the background of your phone. Do keep your GPS open, though if you want to be findable.

TrixSki PhoneSafe Ski Mobile Phone Lanyard

5. Use a lanyard or wrist strap

One of the most important things you can do to keep your phone safe on a ski holiday is to use a lanyard or wrist strap. This will ensure that your phone stays attached to you at all times, even if it falls out of your pocket.

Look for a lanyard or wrist strap that is designed for outdoor activities and can withstand cold temperatures and snow. Some options even come with waterproof cases to protect your phone from moisture.

I have a great one from trixski that is designed specifically for skiing and ski holidays but can be used for everyday use too. The spring-like, stretchy lanyard is simple and neat, fitting comfortably in a slim breast pocket but also stretching enough to let me get a selfie of the family. But the best thing about it is that it comes with 2 separate trixski stickers and hooks, which means if you change your phone, you still have a sticker, or the second one can be used to attach to 2 phones so that I could use one lanyard for both my husband and my phone.

The lanyard clips to your pocket zip, and some ski jackets will have rings inside them to attach lanyards like this. 

I really like this trixski phone lanyard because it looks good and is discreet, so it's totally fine on my phone when I'm not using the lanyard. When I'm out skiing, it fits comfortably in my pocket and allows me to take great photos, answer calls and basically relax that I'm not going to drop my phone off the chair lift, which I have done before!

Also, the fact that my husband could also use the second sticker to make his phone safe too makes the PhoneSafe very reasonably priced.

If you want to get the trixski PhoneSafe, it's £15 (well spent!). But even better, I've got a special discount for my readers. With the code TSANG10 you will get 10% off of your entire order with trixski. 

That's La Plagne and how to keep your phone safe on your next ski holiday

Hopefully, these 5 ways to keep your phone safe and secure while on the slopes will mean you can take some fabulous ski chairlift selfies whilst making your phone battery last from first lift to last call to capture those après ski pics! 

If you've got any questions, pop them in the comments below, or head over to the That's La Plagne Instagram and ping me a DM, and I'll get back to you a bit quicker. 


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